Tabell’s Market Letter – January 03, 1968
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, W—-a–l-s-tloncn–&–C–o–. j Members New York Stock Exchange and Other Principal Stock and Commodity Exchang8 OVER 100 OFFICES COAST TO COAST AND OVERSEAS TABELL'S RECOMMENDED LIST January 3, 1968 This edition of our Recommended List tallies the price performance of all recommended stocks over the past two years. As usual, the list is divided into three categories Quality and Long-Term Growth, Price Appreciation, and Speculative Price Appreciation. Included at the bottom of the tabulation after each category are all stocks removed from the list during the year 1967. The list, therefore, covers all stocks on our Recommended List a year ago and all those recommended during the year. In addition, the performance of stocks removed during 1965 and 1966 is averaged at the bottom of eachlist.- The first two columns show the recommendation date and price. In cases where the recommendation took place before December 31, 1964, this is used as a base date. The third column shows the price on December 29, 1967, or on the date removed if the stock is not now on the list. The fourth column shows the percentage change, and tIE fifth column shows the percentage change in the Dow-Jones Industrials during the same time period. The tabulation speaks for itself. The stocks in the Quality and Long-Term Growth section of the list show an average rise of 8.2/0 vs. an average rise of 6.4/0 in the Dow-Jene Industrials. The stocks in the Price Appreciation section show an average gain of 36/0 vs. a 3/0 gain in the Dow, and in the Speculative Price Appreciation section, the average gain is 62/0 vs. a 3.1/0 gain for the Dow. These summaries are, of course, not meant to imply that such results could have been obtained by purchase of issues in the Recommended List, or that similar results will be obtained by purchase in the future. Commissions are, of course, not included. ., QUALITY – . – Price-as of date Date Recom- Recom. mended Alum. Co.Amer. 5/3/65 71 7/8 Amerada 8/16/67 80 Amer. Tel & Tel 9/7/65 67 Borden Co 9/8/67 38 1/2 Caterpillar Tr 9/8/67 47 Colgate Palm. 3/1'7/67 29 3/4 Columbia Broad. 11/18/66 57 Cont'l Ins. Cont'l Oil Del Monte Fed. Dept. St. 3/17/67 79 3/8 3/17/67 68 3/4 9/8/67 34 3/4 11/17/67 697/8 Goodyear Tire Gulf Oil Intern'l Paper Kellogg Lorillard Nat'l Cash Reg. Parke Davis Phillips Pete Radio Corp. Reynolds Tob. 6/17/66 51 12/31/64 58 1/2 6/29/65 31 9/8/67 38 5/8 9/8/67 51 1/2 5/21/65 88 3/8 4/22/66 36 1/2 3/17/67 55 9/8/67 56 5/8 12/31/64387/8 Royal Dutch 12/31/64453/S American Can 12/31/64 43 Stocks removed in 1966-65 (filve) AVERAGE & LONG TERM Price-12/29/67 or date /0 Hemoved Change 80 1/2 11 80 5/8 50 3/8 – 24 35 1/8 43 3/8 44 3/8 54 1/2 80 1/4 74 3/8 35 1/2 75 54 3/8 76 3/8 30 3/4 42 1/2 48 133 26 1/2 67 53 3/8 44 1/4 47 5/8 55 1/2 -9 -7 50 -4 1 8 2 7 6 30 10 -7 50 – 27 21 -5 13 -5 29 4. 50/0 8.2 GROWTH 'Change DJlA same — Time Current Period Comment – 2 Buy for 110 – 190. – 1 Buy for 130. -.3 Hold – .3 Buy on dips. -.3 Buy on dips. 4 Hold for 52-62. 12 Hold 4 Buy on dips. Obj. 108. 4 Buy on dips. Obj. 91-130. -.3 Buy on dips. Obj. 70. 5 Buy for 90 – 124. 1 Buy for 82. 3 Hold for 90. 7 Buy on dips. 42 indo 90. 3 Buy for 82. -. 3 Support 44-42. – 2 Hold for 175. – 5 Hold. 4 Buy-Dips. Obj. 110-124. -. 3 Buy for 98. 3 Buy on dips. 50 120. 3 Buy for 90. 6 Removed from list 6. 4 ThiS Bulletln is publishtd for your convcnitnct' Rnd mformatlon Rnd 16 not an offer to sell or 1\ sohcltl\tlOn to buy 1\1lY secunties diSCUSSed. The Information was obtluned from sources we bd ….vt' to iN. lelwblc. but WI! do not gllaTllntt'(. 11.5 RI'CUM\ry. Walston t.. Co. Inc. I\nd Its officers. directors or emplOYee!! Illay have an mterelll III or purchase I\nd !Sell the st!cUntles rl'ferrlt!. to herCIn Wtl-916 . – ' , Walston &Co. Inc Members New York Stock Exchange and Other Principal Stock and Commodity Exchanges OVER HIO OFFICES COAST TO COAST AND OVERSEAS TABELl'S RECOMMENDED LIST PRICE APPRECIATION Adams Millis Air Reduction Allegheny Lud. Amer. Bakeries Amer. Mach. F. Amer. Potash Price as of date Date RecomRecom. mended 3 h 7 /67 22 4/22/66 363/8 11/18/66 56 9/8/67 263/4 9/8/67 227/8 6/29/65 39 Price 12/29/67 or date Removed 62 778 345/8 703/4 241/8 207/8 50 Ampex Corp. Anaconda Anchor HOck. 6/30/67 361/8 9/8/67 493/8 11/18/66 53 35 5/8 47 3/8 44 Bulova Watch Burlington Ind. Cincin. Milling Commonw'thal 9/8/67 11/17/67 11/18/66 3/17/67 30 41 1/8 31 263/8 293/4 39 57 1/4 225/8 Comsat 3/10/67 61 1/4 Copperweld StEel. 12/31/64 26 3/8 Dentists Supply 10/27/67 43 491/2 22 5/8 45 1/2 Diners Club 9/8/67 401/8 481/4 Dresser Ind. 3/17/67 32 1/2 38 1/8 Eagle Picher 2/3/67 331/4 403/8 Eaton Yale 12/31/64 21 5/8 33 Ex-Cell-O — -4/19/66-22–1/2-371/4- Gen'l Dynamics 12/31/64 35 661/4 Gillette Co. 11/15/65 37 62 1/4 Gt. North. Paper 3/17/67 37 3/4 52 Kelsey-Hayes Koppers Co McNeil Corp. Mead Johnson 11/18/66 12/31/64 9/8/6'1 3/17/67 29 27 1/2 345/8 291/2 42 1/4 36 41 1/2 363/4 Medusa Port.C 11/17/67 Mesabi Trusts 12/31/64 Glin Mathieson 4/22/66 Republic Steel 9/8/67 Revlon 5/3/65 Reynolds Metals 12/31/64 Riegel Paper 12/31/64 Robt. Controls 3/15/66 Schlumberger 12/31/64 Scovill Mfg. 5/5/67 Seaboard Coast L.5/5/67 Sharon Steel 7/8/66 Shell Oil 12/31/64 Signode Corp 12/31/64 Tektronix, Inc. 3/17/67 Union Camp 3/23/66 United Fruit 12/31/64 Vornado 9/8/67 Wallace & Tier. 8/2/65 283/8 147/8 63 493/4 451/8 34 7/8 21 3/8 34 47 3/8 42 555/8 347/8 59 1/2 27 1/4 401/8 47 17 5/8 25 1/2 32 291/2 11 7/8 72 1/4 435/8 841/8 50 1/4 HI 3/8 343/4 71 1/8 401/8 481/4 36 66 351/4 485/8 38 5/8 60 321/4 38 3/8 Bell & Howelr 417/66 47 Cenco Instrum. 1/29/65 293/4 743/.4 525/8 Clevite Corp. 12/31/64 407/8 47 Change 195 -5 26 – 10 -9 28 -2 -4 – 17 -1 -5 85 – 15 – 19 – 14 6 20 18 21 52 88 67 37 45 30 17 24 4 – 20 14 – 12 86 43 -9 2 50 -5 3 11 -I- 29 21 – 18 241 26 -I- 20 58 -I- 77 -I- 15 Change DJIA same Time Current Period Comment 4 Hold. – 5 Buy for 72. Buy-Dips. Obj. 110. -.3 Buy for 44-65. -. 3 Buy. 7 Hold 5 Buy-Dips. Obj. 74. -.3 Buy-Dips. Obj. 72-83. 12 Hold. Support at 40. – .3 Buy-Dips. Obj. 60. 5 Buy for 76. 12 Hold. 4 Buy-Dips. Obj. 47. 6.5 Buy-Dips. Support 42 3 Buy on Dips. 2 Buy for 64. -.3 Buy. 4 Buy for 57. 5.5 Buy-Dips. Obj. 60. 3 Buy-Dips. Obj. 47. 80. 3 Buy on Dips. – 5 Hold for 80. 4 Buy-Dips. Obj. 90. 12 Hold. 3 Buy-Dips. Obj. 62. -.3 Buy-Dips. Obj. 60 . 4 Merged/w.BrlSol Mye 5 Buy-Dips. Obj. 67. 3 Hold for Income. – 5 Buy-Dips. Obj. 130. -.3 Buy-Dips. 53 108. – 1. 8 Hold for 100 . 3 Buy for 90. -I- 3 Hold. – 2. 5 Buy-Dips. Obj. 58. 3 Hold for 110. – Hold. ,. – Buy for 94. 1 Buy for 70. 3 Buy for 122. -I- 3 Hold. Support at 31. 4 Hold. Support at 45-4 – 2.5 Buy-Dips.Obj. 90. -I- 3 Hold for 70. -.3 Buy for 45. 2. 6 Hold. Support at 37-35. – 4 List tl/.tl/lj( 3 Removed/List 3 Removed/List 5/5/67 This Bulletin 18 published for you! convenil'nee And inCormation alld IS not I\n offer to seU or II. solicltntlOn to buy any securities dlscuued. The Information was obtllmed from sources we bellevO! to bl. relmble. but we do not flIartlnt(.'(' Its nceurney Walston &. Co .. Ine and Itll officers. du-eetol8 or employees rney have an Interest III or Jlurchase and hell the referred to herein Walston &Co. Members New York Stock Exchange , and Other Principal Stock and Commodity Exchanges OVER lOll OFFICES COAST TO COAST AND OVERSEAS TABELL'S RECOMMENDED LIST Date Recom, Price as of date Recommended Price 12/29/67 or date Removed Denver Rio G. 12/31/64 21 3/8 Disney, Walt 12/31/64 45 1/2 EI Paso Natl.G 12/31/64 22 5/S Ill. Cent. Ind. 12/31/64 25 3/4 MDermott, J.R 12/31/64 24 7/8 Metro-Gold.M. 3/1/65 20 1/2 Southern Rwy 12/31/64 57 3/8 Sundstrand 12/31/64 10 Stocks removed in 1966-65 (thirty) 19 5/S 99 3/4 19 l/S 53 62 1/4 49 51 53 1/2 AVERAGE 0/; Change -S 119 – 15 108 149 140 -11 437 29 36 Change DJIA same Time Period Current Comment 3 Removed/ List 5/5/6 3 Removed/List 5/5/6' 3 Removed/List – 3 Removed/List 5/5/6 3 Removed/List'5/5;;7 .6 Removed/ List 5/5/67 3 Removed/List 3 Removed/List 5/5/67 3 SPECULATIVE PRICE APPRECIATION Allied Sup'mkts 9/8/67 20 Campbell Chib. 12/31/64 3 13/16 Chris-Craft 3/15/66 23 Gibraltar Fin. 11/17/67 22 1/2 Home Oil A 11/18/66 21 Microwave 12/31/64 9 5/8 National Can 12/31/64 17 Pacific Pete- 12/Sf!64- 10 374 Penn. R. R. 9/8/67 67 Syntex 3/17/67 93 1/8 Technicolor 5/5/67 23 1/2 UMC Ind. 12/31/64 14 3/8 Varian Assoc. 12/31/64 13 Victoreen 5/5/67 13 1/2 Vulcan Mat. 12/31/64 17 3/8 Amer. Bosch 4/5/65 IS 7/8 Stocks removed in 1966- 65 (sixteen) AVERAGE 19 1/8 7 3/.16 42 20 1/4 24 3/4 43 5/8 35 1/8 17 178 62 1/8 73 1/2 26 1/4 20 l/S 31 1/2 14 3/8 18 7/S 42 3/4 -4 93 S2 – 10 18 352 106 59 -7 – 21 12 41 142 6 S 128 84 62 -.3 3 – 2. 5 5 12 3 3 3 – .3 4 3 3 3 1 3.1 In registration, Buy on Dips. Buy-Dips.Obj.46-68 Buy-Dips. Support 1 Buy-Dips.Obj. 39. Hold for 70. Buy-Dips. Support 30 Buy fCi'r30- 50. Buy for 104. Hold. Support at 70. Buy for 44-58. Buy for 5S. Buy-Dips. Obj. 78. Buy-Dips. Obj. 37. Buy-Dips. Obj. 37. Removed/List 5/576 Adjusted for stock split. This Bulletin 15 published for your convenIt'llee md informatIOn lind IS not an offer to sell or a SOhcllRtlOn to buy any securities dlseussed The Information was obtained from SOUfees we behl'Vc to t) Ichable. but we do not !nnrH.ntcl' lts accurl\('Y. Walston & Co., In(', amt Its offiet'rs, nnectors or employees may have an mterest In or purchase ,tnd the T(!(cr red to herem. IrIN-916