Tabell’s Market Letter – January 06, 1950
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, ………….. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. NEW YORK, N. Y. BAKERSFielD BEVERLY HILLS EAST ORANGE, N. J LONG BEACH MODESTO OAKLAND PASADENA SACRAMENTO SAN DIEGO SAN JOSE TABELL'S MARKET LETTER PHILADELPHIA, PA. LOS ANGELES, CALIF. EUREKA FRESNO HAGERS10WN, MD. HARRISBURG, PA. PEBBLE BEACH PlnSBURGH. PA. RIVERSIDE SANTA ANA STOCKTON. VALLEJO 35 WALL STREET, NEW YORK 5, N. Y. Digby 4-4141 Listed below are forty better grade common stocks that, on the basis of dividends paid in 1949, are yielding 6 or over at present prices. With the exception of nine issues, all have paid some dividends for the last ten years or more. All of these stocks have the added qualification of being in a fa'Jorable technlcal position and should, in my opinion, show above average price appreciation over the longer term. Advantage should be taken of all price dips to add these issues to your holdings. Additional informat-on on any of these stocks can be obtained from your customers' representative. il! t Allied Stores Alpha Portland Cement Armstro'ng Cork Atchison, Top. & S.F. Boeing Airplane California Packing Cannon Mills Colgate-Palmolive-Peet COlumbian Carbon t. , Combustion Engine Commercial Credit Super. Continental Baking f – De ere & Company Elliott Company Endicott J6hnson Fairbanks Morse Firestone Tire , General Amer. Trans. ; -1 General Motors i, International Harvester Intertype Corporation Lerner Stores ;' Libby-Owens-Ford Lorillard (p) – -, Lowenstein (M) & Sons r,lay Department Stores McCrory Stores McGraw Hill ,- McKesson &; Robbins ,-, MelVille Shoe Otis Elevator Public Service E1 & Gas I Purity Bakeries Schenley Industries , – Southern Pacific t, 1 ' Southern Railway Twentietp. Century-Fox Union Pacific Western Auto Supply Youngstown Sheet & Tube Approx. Pr! 34 37 50 104 25 35 48 42 33 27 59 18 39 26 33 41 54 46 71 28 32 23 63 27 25 48 35 32 40 26 40 25 31 32 52 36 25 87 40 75 1949 Dividend B.OO 2.50 3.00 8.00 2.00 2.50 3.75 3.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 1.60 5.00 1.75 2.00 2.50 4.00 3.00 8.00 1.80 2.20 2.00 5.75 1.75 2.00 3.00 2.50 2.35 2.65 1.80 2.50 1.60 2.40 2.00 5.00 4.00 2.00 6.00 3.00 6.00 Some Dividend /- Yield Each Year Since 1 ! 8.8 1942 i E 6.7 1935 6.0 7.7 1934 1940 \ B.o 1942 7.1 1940 7.8 1890 7.1 1895 6.0 1916 7.5 1911 .-' 6.7 1934 8.8 1943 12.8 1937 6.7 1905 6.0 1919 6.1 1936 7.4 1924 6.5 1919 11.2 1917 6.4 1910 6.8 1935 8.7 1935 9.1 1933 6.5 1932 8.0 1942 6.2 1911 7.1 1937 7.7 1937 – -' .' 6.6 1941 6.9 1916 6.2 1903 6.4 A 7.7 1928 6.2 1941 -9a.s6 1/1 1942 1943 8.0 1942 6.8 1900 7.5 1928 8.0 1940 Indicated Rate A New stoc issued in 1948 EDMUND W, TABELL WALSTON, HOFFMAN & GOODWIN \ \- This memorandum i, not to b. construed as an oHer or solicitation of offers to buy or sell any securities From time to time Walston, Hoffman & Goodwin may have en interest in some or all of the securities mentioned herein. The foreo;lolng material has been prepared by us as a mlltter of information only. It Is based upon Information believed reliable but not necessarily complet., Is not f;iuaranteed as accurate or final, and Is not Intended to foredose Independent Inquiry. …….. ……….. ' …… ….. ….. , .,..t,., (.0 . ………………….. . ,,