Tabell’s Market Letter – March 03, 1948
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Technical Market Action' Listed below are tbe issues in our recor.!o1ended list. These issues have been advised for purchase at v&.rious ti1es fron September 1946 to date. , The majority have been advised during the many descents into the 10-160 buying range. The issues marked wit cn asterisk are the thirty-one issues recoomended in our letter of Fbruary 11th as having exceptionally favorable technical pntterns.. The technical action of the conplete list will be follOl'led in subsequent letters as the occasion warrants. More detailed infornation on any of these issues is available upon request to customers of Shields & Conpany. Approx. Price Ad/l.OS Express 15 ;Addressograph 30 Alleghany Corp 3 IJ.lghany, pfd 40 Alhgheny Ludluo 26 Amer. Cynnanid 35 Arkansas Nat.Gas A 5 Atchison, Topeka 90 Atlas Corp 20 Barnsdall Oil ;fBigelow Sanford 35 60 ;fBliss (E. vi.) 24 Borg \larner 46 ClU';1pbell llyan t 26 Celotex 24 Chicago NorthVlest 16 Chrysler 56 Cities Service 35 Colorado Fuel 13 Colutlbia Gas 11 Consolo Vultee 13 Crown Cork & Seal 19 Deep Rock Oil 33 Deere & Co 3 Denver R.G.& I'/est 18 Distillers Seagram 13 .Doehler Jarvis )0 DO;le illines 18 Eagle Picher 20 Eastern Airlines 18 ;fElec. Pr. & Lt. 14 ;fElliott I Evans Products 15 Fansteel 12 ;fFlintkote 34 Foster Wheeler 25 General Cable 10 General /Aotors 53 General Railway Sig 25 General Realty Util 5 Gulf Mobile 16 Gulf Oil 61 ;fHewitt-Robins 2l Houdaille Hershey 14 Houston Oil 23 1fIllinois Central 29 Industrial Rayon 42 Interlake Iron 12 1946 High Approx Price 24 5/4 International Paper 41 3/4 lflnter.lHnerals 8 1/4 Jqy Manufacturing 69 1/4 Kansas City So 61 1/8 lfMesta iachine 63 3/4 Montgor.tery Ward 8 Mullins Mfg. 121 Murray Corp 34 3/8 ;fNc.tional Supply 31 New York Air Brake 83 1/4 Northern Pacific 33 1/4 Phio Oil 61 3/4 Oliver Corp 40 /8 Pncific Tin 38 1/8 Pepsi Cola 43 1/2 ;fPhelps Dodge O 1/2 Pure Oil 41 /8 Radio Corp 23 3/4 Rayonier 14 Revere Copper 33 5/8 P.hee,l Mfg. 31 St.Louis-Sn Fran 41 1/2 Schenley 58 1/2 Seo.board Airline 40 Seaboard Oil 30 Shanrock Oil 5 /8 Sharon Steel 29 3/4 SirmlOns 30 1/8 Sollthern Pacific 33 3/8 Sperry Corp 29 1/2 gquare D 39 1/2 Standard Oil N.J. 33 3/4 42 Texas Pac. Coal 20th-CentuT', Fox 46 /8 Union Bag 49 1/2 Union Carbide 16' 3/8 Union Pacific 80 3/8 48 Uni ted Aircraft ;fU. S. & Foreign 11 3/4 U. S. Pipe 39 1/4 Visking Corp 8 \iestingho use Air B. 39 1/2 \'!estinghouse Elec. 28 3/8 West Penn Elec. 30 Hheeling Steel 45 1/2 54 l'iorthington Pump Youngstown Sheet 20 1/4 45 25 35 25 3 50 21 14 22 37 19 30 24 5 19 42 28 8 24 16 21 9 26 15 .38 2 32 28 48 23 17 7'3 43 19 29 100 161 26 1 42 33 34 26 14 40 ,56 69 March 3, 1948 EDMUND v;. TABELL SHIELDS & COMPANY Closings Dovl-Jones Industrials Dow-Jones Rails Dow-Jones 65-Stock 168.61 50.1 61.19 1946 High 55 1/2 45 34 40 1/4 61 1/2 1041/4 22 1/4 22 25 69 1/2 36 29 5/8 36 11 5/8 40 1/2 48 28 /8 19 33 31 3/4 38 100 37 3/4 39 1/2 32 1/2 40 3/8 56 /8 70 40 1/2 25 1/8 78 3/4 32 5/8 63 /8 39 125 168 1/2 3 3/8 32 1/2 60 1/4 52 41 5/8 39 3/4 28 3/4 621/2 74 83 /8 Tha op;nions exprened in this letter ere the per50nal interpretation 01 charts by Mr. Edmund W. Tabell and are not presented as the opinions of Shields & Company. – – – – — – – – —-'——–.-………;;…..——-…..