Tabell’s Market Letter – November 07, 1955
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', 11onday,. November 7, 1955 ALL WmES DUE TO THE FACT THAT MR. EDMUND W. TABELL IS OU'l' OF TOWN, THERE WILL BE NO BLUE MARKET LETTER ISSUED THIS WEEK. FOR MR. TECHNICAL f1ARKET OPINION SEE TODAY'S EDITION OF THE WALSTON LETTER. Anthony W. Tabell, N.X. HovelIlber 7.1955 !abell's Technical Market Opinion After a period ot Sidewise action. the market moved sharply ab.ead this week reaching an intra-day I11gh of 468.70 In the Dow-Jones Industr1al Average and 152.95 1n the rallo. As prevlouol noted, this strength could continue through the rest of November \tUh the objective being somewhere 1n the 465-475 zone. Toward the end ot the month. cross-currents .' cauaeli by tax-losa aell1ns could oome into the market caUSing some Irregularity-. Until there 16 8 testing of the recent there should be no change in basic investment policies 8S outlined 1n recent letters and current strength should be used to sw1tch out Of volatlle, unfavorabl1 situated holdings. . ./ '… , T , ,' , \