Tabell’s Market Letter – March 25, 1949
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TABEll'S MARKET lETTER 35 WALL STREET. NEW YORK S. N. Y. Digby 4-4141 I have recently received a great many requests for a list of stocks selling under 10.00 a share. While there are a few low- priced stocks in my regular list of recommended issues, the number is small. Obviously, low-priced stocks are generally in a far more speculative category than the higher priced issues. However, I am listing below a group of fifteen stocks all selling at or below 10.00 a share. All of these stocks have attractive technical patterns and in most cases are selling at a considerable distance from their 1946 highs. Purchase is advised on a speculative basis for possible large percentagewise appreciation American Airlines 1946 High 19 7/8 Closing 3/25/49 9 5/8 Avco Manufacturing Budd Company Chicago Corporation 14 3/8 22 1/8 14 1/2 6 3/8 9 10 1/2 Fairchild Engine 8 3/8 4 7/8 Inter.Tel & Tel 31 7/8 9 3/8 Laclede Gas Light 9 3/8 6 1/2 . Niagara Hudson 15 9 7/8 Pressed Steel Car 30 6 1/8 Gray Manufacturing 23 1/8 St.Louis-San Francisco 16 1/2 9 1/2 8 3/4 Selected Industries 7 1/8 2 3/4 Tricontinental Corp 12 5/8 7 1/8 Western Airlines 40 1/2 6 Western Maryland 13 1/8 9 7/8 Adjusted for 5-for-l split,April 1946 1948 High 1945 High EDMUND W. TABELL March 25, 1949 WALSTON, HOFFMAN & GOODWIN Thb mtlftOt.ndum Is not to be conlttued el an off.r or IOlIclt.Hon of oH.n fo buy or ..II any I.curltlel. From filM to tim. Walmn, Hoffman & Goodwin may M. an 1nt.r. In lOme or an of the lecurltlel mentioned he,..ln, Tholl foRvolnc;tl m…rJal has be.n prepared by us a. a matht of Information on1y. It 11 b4s.d upon InformatIon bell .,.d ,.nabl. but not nacena,i1y compl.te, b not vuaranteed 0lil1 accurate or final, and 11 not Intended to foredos. Indep..d.nt Inquiry.