Tabell’s Market Letter – September 10, 1946
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Technical Market Action Heavy selling hit the market agr-d.n on 'J'ueoda;r, particularly in the final hour of trading and a.vercges hit. new terrikory n the move. 'The indus- .rials ,;ere off 8L,.66 fit ;(J7.i7 lVnile the r'lil ave.alSc ,mS dovm 1.86 at 1.59. Volume ems pa.rticulurly heavy in the fin61 hour wit.1-J a. turnover or almost 1,000,000 — the il1Ccw,otriaJ. average waD sr)111ng dOml 2.16. 7 ckbctncm presel.t, lows and the 160-157 ;c,,;;; !iQ!1)C'vlher e 0n the indu;;triLla. Prefer to pi blY— j ng spotr. on individual is;uC's rr.tlier than tre listod-in.J!Ilon-'iuy'-s l;er -tJ! UPPOI' part 01'- .out half lreas w'lile thu re- mnint(3r lIl(t.i..cr.te sor.lGnhat lower An additional list is lilAbltshed belo,.., vlith an add! tional tical list to follow. 1946 Hi(;h hccent L'lst Buying llrE)'. Doehler JarVis Dresser Industries Eagle Ficher Lead E'J.ectric Autolite Electric StoI';lgn 13&ttcry Erie, pfd. Evur.s Prouuct3 Fir8stonc Flintiwt .,…,- Foster .l1JhGeler-…-,. .., – – Electric GeneI'd FoocL, Gener,'1J. Motors G,mcral Precision Equipment GeneraJ. Rn.ilVlr.y Signal Glidden Hercul()s Metors lloust;n Oil 37 7/8 33 3/8 30 1/8 0 1/2 5' 1/3 93 .33 3/1.. 1/2 4(, '1/3 52 56 lie 00 /8 40 48 '56 1/L. 32 30 23 3/4 17 3/8 19 1/2 58 3/4 41 7/8 58 17 57 3/ 30 J/e 33 5/8 1…2 1/2 '31 1/8 .22 5/8 27 1/4 36 3/4 1 1/13 16 3/6 24 1/2 17 1/2 19 1/2 50 3/4 42 58 181/S 58 1/2 )1 38 5/8 42 1/2 54 .3/8 22 3/4 28 .3/4 37 18 1/8 17 1/4 24 – 21 18 – 19 – 16 50 – 46 40 – 3658 – 54 If-S – 16 '37)) 32 – 30 38 36 4 – 41 5' – 50 23. – 21 ''.7 – 23 38 – 36 18 – 16 17 – 15 Wonld ree;crd these arees, tcg.)t.t.dr llith noted in r10ncayl s lett.er, rl; uJying spots both fo!' th,' longEr' t;rm lIld fer a technical rally. EDMUND 1/. TABELL September 10, 1946 .. – DOII-Jone& Industrials Doy,'-Jones RailB DOI'I-J en s 65-Stock 1(7.37 1.8.59 60.86 The opinios oltpresl&d in this Jetter the personal illterpretHon of charis by IoAr. Edmund W. Tabell end are no. presented olliS the opinions of Shields & Company.